Inertial Apathy

Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Name: Enthusiasm
Known Aliases: En, That Perky Bitch, Psycho
Stats: Smarts-4 (out of 10) Trickery-2 Charisma-7 Stability-5 (Note: En sometimes undergoes certain...metamorphoses that change these stats. See Special Abilities)
Appearance: EN is often described as a cute 15 year old girl with pigtails.
Special Abilites: EN suffers from multiple personality disorder. To date at least seven differing egos have manifest. Each personality seems to have it's own agenda and strengths. This effect is demonstrated well in the following excerpt:
EN: Hey Otto, what are you doing?
Otto: Crap! Oh, hi EN, I'm (son of a...that was close) driving.
EN: I didn't know you could drive. Isn't that something the Overmind does.
Otto: Yeah, but it fades out sometimes, and I've got to (AHHHHH! Oh, shew) take up the slack. As if I didn't have enough to do already. The heart doesn't beat itself you know!
EN: Hm. Can I watch?
Otto: Sure, let me put it up on the view screen.
EN: Ooooh. We're going so fast! Is this dangerous.
Otto: Very! One slight mistake on my part could (Oh! Mother of Pearl! we're gonna die we're gonna die...okay...we're good) kill the entire crew.
EN: Hey! That guy didn't use his turn signal! That really T's me off! I mean, it's not like it's hard to use. GRRRRR! He wouldn't like me when I'm T'd off.
Otto: uh...EN? It's okay, just calm down...we're all friends here...
EN: voice lowering in pitchIt shows a complete lack of respect for other drivers!
Records are sketchy at this point in the record. By questioning Otto, we've discovered that EN's physical appearance changed at this point, with her skin becoming red, her body tripling in size, and large red horns sprouting from her forehead.
RAGE (Stats: Smarts-1 Trickery-1 Charisma-0 Stability-0): AHHHRRRHHHHH!
Otto: AHHHHHHHHHHHH! Must flee must flee must flee
LOGIC: What's going on here....oh my. Quickly Otto, activate the Overmind Override.
Otto: AHHHHHHHHHHH! She's gonna EAT ME!
LOGIC: Otto...until the Overmind is are still driving...
Otto: ...Holy crap! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!'s back on...uhh...must flee must flee must flee
LOGIC: It's okay EN. Everything is going to be all right.
RAGE: RAHHH....rahhh.....ra....
EN: Oh, hi Captain! When did you get here? Are we still driving?
LOGIC: sigh. It's probably best if you don't think about that too much.
EN: ...Okie dokie!

Friday, July 22, 2005

Apathetic Insight

Today, I was thinking (eight hours in a car will do that to you). I pondered the source of my seemingly limitless apathy. I mused on the wellspring of blah. And after several hours, I stumbled upon the seeming paradoxical solution. My obsessiveness. Stick with me here. I'm not OCD or anything (no comments from the peanut gallery!) but I do tend to...let's say dwell on things. For example, when I bought Animal Crossing, I played it for at least six hours that first day. And the next. And the next. For two months this went on...then I suddenly didn't want to play it anymore. It's not that it disgusts me, and I plan on never touching it again...I just don't feel like it lately. This scenario is typical of most things in my life. I'll take a keen interest in something, but the fire is too bright and can't possibly last long. It's almost like I seeking to learn everything about something, and once I think I know it well enough, I'm done with it. And then, if there's nothing after it on the list of things to do...back comes the blah. And, it's not as if my attention span is short either. I spent every free moment for six months playing a certain online video game...then the urge just passed. I read the ENTIRE Wheel of Time series (to date) in succession...then balked at buying the latest book. I've watched many television shows on DVD (usually the entire series in the fewest possible sittings, with sleep time usually taking a lower priority than many of my friend would believe)...and then sent the disks to collect dust from whence they came, never to be watched again. I know it to be a character flaw which I should really address...but I'm not really sure how. And, now that I've laid it atype, it doesn't seem like that big of a deal. Maybe I just have too much time to think...oh well, back to apathy for me.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Special Guest Speaker: My APATHY

...well, go ahead.
APATHY: I fail to see any benefical outcome of this exercise.
Josh: Come on, the blog is named after you. You have to say something.
A: ...
J: Fine, I'll make it a little easier on you by making it into a little Q&A format. So, APATHY, tell us a little about yourself. Where are you in the hierarchy of my head?
A: Hmmm...well, I'm the Grand Vizier to Emperor Amare. I advise him, and fulfill his royal duty if he's not able. And, I stand second on the Mind Council.
J: ...What? You make it sound like there's a whole kingdom or something in my head!
A: Oh my, yes. More like a ship than a kingdom, but there is quite a line of command. Fascinating stuff really, but I'm sure we've taken up far too much of our readers' valuable time...
J: I'm sure they wouldn't mind a few more questions. So, my head is like a ship...and this Emperor Amare is the captain?
A: Oh my, no. His Majesty is sovereign to the captain, but Captain LOGIC actually runs the ship.
J: LOGIC is the captain...that makes sense. So, what does the Emperor do?
A: Dreams mostly...he's been asleep for many years. But, I faithfully carry out the royal duties in his quasi-absence. And, we keep in touch with him via the Dream-o-vision.
J: ...let me get this straight, my mind is ruled by some guy who's been ASLEEP for YEARS?!? And, what the heck is a Dream-o-vision?
A: The Emperor by royal decree can not be disturbed, and it is his royal perogative to sleep for however long he wishes. The Dream-o-vision broadcasts his dreams to the rest of the mind. You are probably aware of them as your dreams or day dreams. Of course, any of the mind crew can broadcast on the Dream-o-vision. Useless frippery most of the time, but they seem to enjoy it for the most part.
J: Okay...I'm a little disturbed by that, but let's move on. You mentioned a Council or something?
A: Ah yes, the Mind Council. The ruling body of the...well, of the body. ha ha. The Council gathers to form opinion, decide courses of action and that sort of thing.
J: So, everything I think and do is decided by this council? How...vaguely alarming.
A: No need to feel apprehension; the council is second to you as the Overmind. Most of the time there is little conflict. Mostly when you experience guilt (lovely fellow, by the way) or nervousness (twitchy guy), it is a result of a conflict between council members or the council and the Overmind.
J: Oh...well....that's...reassuring. I guess. So, who all is on this council?
A: Well, it's headed by Captain LOGIC, with myself holding the second chair. Then, there's SLOTH as chief engineer, DUTY as public relations, and ENTHUSIASM and INDULGENCE holding seats with no operational duties.
J: Sloth is the chief engineer of my head?
A: Oh yes, hard working fellow. Ironically. He works hard to make sure that you don't.
J: How strange. What kind of things do this council discuss?
A: Most everything you encounter is brought before the council.
J: Okay...what about the cute guy at work? Has he been discussed?
A: At length, unfortunately. I believe I will eventually bring the others to a negative vote on the subject.
ENTHUSIASM: No he won't!
J: And who is this lovely young lady?
EN: I'm your ENTHUSIASM, and don't let the stupid council bully you! It's true love! I just know it!
A: Miss EN, we have all agreed not to bring council business directly to the this not so?
EN: ...uh...yeah...but I...
A: I have a splendid idea. Let's change the subject, and perhaps no one but you and I will know of your little slip. know what I enjoy on occasion? Sleeping.
EN: I love sleeping!
A: I bet I can fall asleep faster...
EN: Oh no you can't! ....zzzzz...zzz....
J: to sleep.
A: I'm not sure which is more frightening, how easily I do that or how often.
J: How...creepy.
A: And, I think we've bored our readers enough with your inner dialog.
J: Of course. I'm sure you have important idea to undermine and...stuff.
A: The task must be done by somebody. ha ha
J: Yeah. Thanks for the chat.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

The Nation of Procrasti

So, I was going to update my blog today...but I play Smash Brothers instead. I was going to yesterday...but I played Animal Crossing instead. And, yet again, last thursday...I think you get the picture. See, the trouble is I work all day, and it really interferes with the things I like to do (sleeping, video games, and reading...respectively). I'm sometimes truely amazed at my capacity to entertain myself. Some people say that they have to work, otherwise they get bored...and I say to those people, you're just not trying hard enough! Seriously, given infinite free time, I would come up with infinite diversions for myself. There would probably be crests and troughs in the fun, but I'm willing to weather those rough times of boredom. After all, you need boredom as a contrasting background to all of your self-made fun. Otherwise, how would you know HOW MUCH fun you're having? I think that I was meant to be born into an independantly weathly family, but there was some sort of mix-up in the spirit world...or maybe I'm just really lazy. Whatever, I think I'll go to sleep (always Hobby #1!)

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Happy Birthday America!

Yeah, so I've been kinda busy (see last post re: video games, xref: free time), and have been neglectful. Well, that and the fact that my job seems to think that days off are optional. I know those are just excuses, but blaming others for our problems is the American Way! And I'm feeling very American on this the day that somebody's forefathers (maybe even my own...but I'm not sure) savagely and brutely slashed the umbilical cord of this fine land. And so, each year we drink lots of beer and cook outside...cause beer symbolizes...freedom...and cooking outside...symbolizes...military encampments....yeah, that's it. And to make the experience that much more authentic, we give the children (young and old) toys made from gunpowder! Ah, what a country! I really do like America, in the way that someone who's eaten meatloaf his whole life thinks that steak is too chewy. People tell me that my country kicks ass, and I suppose they're right...our movies are certainly somewhat better than other countries movies. I also really like America East (where we get electronics and video games from), American North (where we get alternative muscians and actors from) and America South (where we get tequila, human resources, and food recipes for us to tinker with). Yeah, I really don't know where I'm going with all of this (see blog title). So...Go America! I guess.