Inertial Apathy

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

It's like posting.

Quiz meh blah meh food blah blah:

1) How do you like your eggs?
In brownies.

2)How do you take your coffee/tea?
Nasally. No, seriously. Coffee is only good for smelling. I think you can use tea for artificially aging paper...

3) Favorite breakfast foods?
I'm not really into breakfast foods. I'm not really into breakfast in general. But, I do like a nice bowl of cereal every now and again. Corn Chex or Frosted Mini Wheats for preference.

4) Peanut Butter: Crunchy or Creamy?
I can only choke down peanut butter if there is an equal amount of banana with it. Beyond that addendum, I don't care about the peanut butter's consistency.

5) What kind of dressing do you like on your salad?
Ranch. If Ranch isn't available, I see if there's a Ceasar Salad. With chicken. Beyond that, the only other dressing I like is Italian on subs.

6) Coke or Pepsi? Coke.
Dr. Pepper. I'll drink either of the others, but it's like substitute.

7) You're feeling lazy, what do you make?
I think you underestimate my lazy. I can skip eating for days on a good lazy.

8) You're feeling REALLY lazy, what pizza do you order?
Chicken and bacon. Or anything. As long as it doesn't have peppers, onions, or pineapple.

9) You feel like cooking, what do you make?
You're really stretching my hypothetical here. Stew. I love my stew.

10) Do any food bring back good memories?
Peanut Brittle reminds me of Flight of the Navigator. You know, that movie with a kid and a spaceship and time travel? Man, I ate a lot of peanut brittle the first time I saw that...

11) Do any foods bring back bad memories?
The peanut brittle springs to mind again. Too much of a good thing...

12) Do any foods remind you of someone?
Nutella reminds me of Margie. Cream Wafer Cookies remind me of my mother. Actually lots of foods remind me of, that woman can cook. I have a pretty associative memory, so almost everything reminds me of something.

13) Is there any food you refuse to eat?
I might be easier for me to list the things I will eat...

14) What was your favorite food as a child?
My mother's stew. mmmmm....I love stew....

15) Is there any food you hated as a child, but like now?
Mushrooms. Couldn't stand them, now, I eat them raw.

16) Is there a food you liked as a child, but hate now?
Nothing springs to mind...

17) Favorite fruit and vegetable?
Grapes. Broccoli.

18) Favorite junk food? cream?

19) Favorite in between meal snack?
I'm not a big snacker. But, I guess....pretzels?

20) Do you have any weird food habits?
I like to eat all of one thing on my plate before moving on to the next. Usually starting with my least favorite item and moving up. I don't do it all of the time, but I tend to if I'm not thinking about it.

21) You're on a diet, what do you fill up on?
Water and multivitamins. I'm not a healthy dieter.

22) You're off your diet, now what would you eat?
I feel like chicken tonight?

23) How spicy to you order your Indian/Thai?
I can eat spicy foods...I just don't like them. I think people make food spicy to cover up it's lack of flavor.

24) Can I get you a drink?
No, I'm good. Thanks.

25) Favorite dessert?
Bring out the Churriscaria Desert Cart and I'll pick one out.

I tag the people of Ethiopia. For years, they are the reason I've had to clean my plate; let's find out what they REALLY eat!

Thursday, August 02, 2007


Well, I may have quit my job today. I'm actually totally fine with not working at CarQuest, but this current development is actually a power play on my part. We'll see if my boss twigs. If not, then at least I'll have some free time before school starts! Horray! And then, I won't have to work every weekend during the school year! Double Horray! if I could only get over the nervy feeling I always get after quitting a job. This happened about twenty minutes I think I'll give it a bit.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Were-apples indicted for "juicing"!

Sorry, I was trying to think of a clever headline, and that's the only thing that popped into my head. Yes, I know I'm odd.

Uh...I'm still alive. I haven't yet taken over the world as of this morning. And I still consider forty hours a week of work be inhumane. Oh, and I've taken up "recreational" bicycling.

Stranger in a Strange Land, Robert Heinlein....again
My Japanese Textbook in preparation for my third semester

Wonderfalls on DVD (two eps left)
Roswell Season One
And a bunch of movies from Blockbuster...none of which rate a name drop yet

There, you may consider yourselves fully updated.

PS: If you enjoyed this post, you love and

Sunday, April 08, 2007


So, I've been thinking recently. A dangerous pasttime, I know. But, for my curiousity, I'd like to ask my loyal readers some simplish questions. And remember, this is for, please, be honest. (two movie quotes in four sentences...I'm on fire!)

Note: Although the line of thought that spawned them came from the people I know...they are NOT about any particular person. So, to reinterate using vague pronouns, I wasn't thinking about YOU when I wrote this...just people in general.

Also Note: Feel free to give in-depth explanations when I demand you explain yourself (see second part of question one for an example), but I'm not expecting more than a sentence or two.

1) Would you rather be considered stupid or a liar? Why?

2) Would you rather people thought you to be a hypocrite or self-delusional? Why?

3) Which is a stronger motivator for OTHER people: principle, fear, or shame?

4) And finally, if you were in front of a large group of people who you respected and they asked you what your worst quality was...what would you tell them? (You don't have to say whether what you told was the truth or not unless you're feeling froggy. Meaning, I'm not asking anyone to divulge deep dark secret shames here.)


Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Dear Veronica

I don't know if you'll ever read this, or care...

I had a whole lot I was going to say, but what's the point?

I'm done. Don't put me on your itinerary when you visit Texas again.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Long beautiful hair...

So, my whole life, I've feared haircuts. Maybe it's because my father always got my hair cut very short when I was young and I hated it; or maybe it's just that innate fear that you'll come out of the place looking stupid. Whatever the case, I usually handle this anxiety by growing my hair out long and when I can't stand long hair any more, by taking someone with me to make all of the decisions at the barber. In the past, this has worked well enough, I'm not sure if the third person perspective allows the people I drag with me to give better instructions or if it's just coincidence, but I'm usually fairly happy with how the event unfolds.

Last Friday, no one was available to go with me to get my haircut. But, I tell myself, I'm an adult, and I can do very basic things like this for myself. So, I go to sport clips. There, I figure, they have cut my hair before, AND they have that cut in their even if I give poor directions or freeze up, I can fall back on a haircut from my past. I get there, and give the same outline I give everytime: long enough on the top to be a little floppy, short on the side, and tapered in the back. ...I guess she wasn't listening.

So far, every person I've talked to has indicated that I looked better with long hair. Two people actually used the words "bad haircut" and one said "well, your hair grows pretty fast." Sigh. I'm not looking forward to going to school where a largish number of people from my Japanese class actively proscribed me cutting my hair; I predict a lot of "I told you so."

I'm not mortified or anything. Mainly because I'm just not that vain, and also because enough gel fixes almost anything. But, next time...I don't care if it's superstitious...I'm definitely taking someone with me to do all of the talking.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Lies! All LIES!!

Okay, there's only one lie. But that didn't make a good title. Well, Veronica tagged Cainnum who tagged Raine who tagged me to tell five "interesting" facts about myself one of which is a lie. So, here goes:

1. Once, when I was younger, I was attacked by a raccoon. Ever since, I've had a seething hatred of the nasty creatures.

2. When I was a teenager, I wrote in my journal 126 "universal truths" of living. To this day, they all still ring true.

3. As a child, I sprained my wrist in a particularly nasty bicycle accident. I didn't tell anyone because of my over-protective mother, and didn't even know it was sprained until the next week when I went to the doctor for the flu.

4. In middle school, I scratched my cornea with a rubber band. I had to wear an eyepatch for several weeks, but I was so invisible and/or the other students were so intimidated by me, that no one said anything to me or made fun of me.

5. When I grow up, I want to rule the galaxy and subjugate (in a fun, utopian way) the human race with a small cadre of elite followers to rule over my many minions. If you want to pencil it into your calanders, I'm shooting for the date the Mayan calendar ends.

There you go. I'll give you a hint: #5 is nothing but the truth (I believe Overlords should be honest and forthright...I'll have elite minions to do my necessary lying).

And since the number of people I know with blogs is extremely limited, I bet you can guess who's being tagged. Kiera and Dave.