Inertial Apathy

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Hell hath no fury like apathy scorned...

It's official. I'm fully submerged into academia. I'm now one of the very unfortunate full-time students who also work full-time. My SLOTH isn't happy about this at all. But, as far as these things go, it's not so bad...I still get to sleep until 9:30 and until noon on the days I go to class. Muahahah. A fair price for working every Saturday until I graduate...or armageddon...which ever comes first. For those interested, I'm taking Calculus I (I feel like the dumb kid in class, because my pre-cal was, dare I say it?, nine years ago. ouch.), World History to the Sixteenth Century (So far this class is cake...I've already learned the material so far through many and many hours of Civs 2 and 3. Suckers.), Psychology I (I haven't been no commentary), and Principles of Nutrition (it's a core credit for Wellness, whatever the hell that means. It's an internet course that I'm fair worried about...especially because my schedule still says that it's start date is to be announce...but school's already started. Stupid internet courses.) Now, keeping in mind that I've only had one day of school, my general impression so far is...where the hell am I supposed to park?!? So, there you have it from the horse's apathy will just have to go on hiatus while I gets some book learnin' in me. Hmmm...that's an ironic riddle. My blog is based on my apathy, so if my apathy takes a vacation, will the blog have more, or less posts? We'll just have to see. (No comments from the peanut gallery!)

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Buoyant Apathy

So, I've had some...bad relationships. (Don't worry, I'm not going to talk about any of them). And, after the last one ended (that's the polite way of putting it), I had absolutely zero interest in ever having a relationship again. That was...let's see...four years ago. Then, out of the blue, earlier this year, up comes my subconscious with a freakin' CRUSH! I mean a real high-school can't-stop-thinking-about-the-guy crush. (Please refrain from using the word pathetic or sad in any comments). So, after several weeks of generally being nervous around the guy, I finally drudge up the courage to ask if he wants to go with my friends and I out for drinks. He said no. His next sentence included the phrase "I have a serious girlfriend"...and I don't think he was referring to her temperament. Now, I had a similar experience in high-school (you know, the time and place when crushes are far more appropriate), and I was mortified and depressed. I'm not this time. All of the that was unimportant exposition for the actual point. I wonder if I'm an emotionless husk of a person, or if I've honed my apathy into a helpful tool. I'm still a little embarrassed, mostly because of my huge miscalculation...but even that faded fairly quickly as I realized I didn't really care what he thought of me anymore. I guess that makes me terribly selfish. Oh well.