Inertial Apathy

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Lies! All LIES!!

Okay, there's only one lie. But that didn't make a good title. Well, Veronica tagged Cainnum who tagged Raine who tagged me to tell five "interesting" facts about myself one of which is a lie. So, here goes:

1. Once, when I was younger, I was attacked by a raccoon. Ever since, I've had a seething hatred of the nasty creatures.

2. When I was a teenager, I wrote in my journal 126 "universal truths" of living. To this day, they all still ring true.

3. As a child, I sprained my wrist in a particularly nasty bicycle accident. I didn't tell anyone because of my over-protective mother, and didn't even know it was sprained until the next week when I went to the doctor for the flu.

4. In middle school, I scratched my cornea with a rubber band. I had to wear an eyepatch for several weeks, but I was so invisible and/or the other students were so intimidated by me, that no one said anything to me or made fun of me.

5. When I grow up, I want to rule the galaxy and subjugate (in a fun, utopian way) the human race with a small cadre of elite followers to rule over my many minions. If you want to pencil it into your calanders, I'm shooting for the date the Mayan calendar ends.

There you go. I'll give you a hint: #5 is nothing but the truth (I believe Overlords should be honest and forthright...I'll have elite minions to do my necessary lying).

And since the number of people I know with blogs is extremely limited, I bet you can guess who's being tagged. Kiera and Dave.


  • #4. No one is invisible enough to not get at least one pirate crack.

    By Blogger Veronica, at December 30, 2006 1:35 PM  

  • You are underestimating my childhood isolation. #4 is true. I actually got myself all worked up to receive criticism, and no one said anything. Even the two kids who were my "friends" (meaning I ate lunch with them) merely asked what happened with no follow-up of ridicule or jocularity. I like to think they were all too intimidated by me to say anything...but, sadly, it could have just been that no one else noticed.

    By Blogger Joshie, at December 31, 2006 7:27 AM  

  • I thought this would be a gimmee, seeing as how I was raised with you and all, but I am apparently even more self absorbed than I previously suspected.

    So, I'm going with #3, because I don't believe mom would take you to the doctor for the flu. Unless your fever was like 105 degrees for several days in a row, of course.

    By Blogger Margie the Pickle Princess, at December 31, 2006 11:38 AM  

  • Dammit! I was trying to think of a lie (and truths) that would fool YOU specifically, Margie. And, after coming up with a lie premise which apparently worked just fine, I get caught on a vaguely unbelievable detail. Isn't that always the way with lies?

    So...yes. #3 is the lie. I have never broken or sprained anything.

    By Blogger Joshie, at December 31, 2006 2:27 PM  

  • And a fine job you did, too. Other than the mom taking you to the doctor pat, I really wasn't sure which one it was. : Although I knew that 1 and 5 were true, so that did narrow it down a bit.

    By Blogger Margie the Pickle Princess, at January 01, 2007 2:30 PM  

  • pat was supposed to be part. damn my lack of proof reading!

    By Blogger Margie the Pickle Princess, at January 01, 2007 2:31 PM  

  • my original guess was four, my second guess was three, so i would..have....been almost...right? nm disregard this

    By Blogger cainnum, at January 03, 2007 3:52 PM  

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