Oh look. I have a blog.
Gaaaahhhhh. You know how sometimes, you try to run too many programs on your computer, and it just sort of stops. It doesn't give you an error message or anything, it just sort of tries valiantly, yet futilely, to do everything at once, even though the simultaneous actions will take one hundred times longer than doing them seperately. Meanwhile, the user waits patiently for about twelve seconds before angrily slapping ctl-alt-del to see what the hell went wrong. This, of course, is yet ANOTHER task the already over-committed processor must attend too...NOW! I now know how that little, poor computer feels. Seeing as I did so smashingly the last two semesters going to school full time and working full time, I decided to take on another job. That's right folks, I'm now working TWO jobs, and going to school. That's why I haven't been posting, and why I am now posting at 2am. It's sad when you start deciding that sacrificing sleep is a good trade off for recreational time. Anyone who knows me will understand the deep seated horror this causes me. Anyhoo, waa waa and all that. I've taken a job as a Math Grader; I have two classes of Business Calculus that I get to troll through all of their assignments looking for something to count off for. And, I don't get a key...that means that I have to do the assignments as well. Well, I'm already doing 6-10 hours of homework a week anyway, so why not? The good news is that the job pays much better than my "real" job, and it doesn't have set hours or anything, so I can do it whenever I have free time. Okay, that sounds groovy and all, but do you know what happens when you have something to do in your "free time". Bingo! You have no more free time. Last week, I didn't do anything on Monday night, because I was exhausted...and my schedule was so full, that I didn't finish the assignments I was supposed to grade by Friday. I don't want to have to schedule free time a week in advance. Yeah, yeah, everyone feel sorry for me. For anyone who's interested, this semester I'm taking Elementary Japanese (EVERY MORNING! Seriously. I'm only getting three credit hours for this class, so why am I spending five hours on it? It makes NO SENSE!!! Shew...I'm better now), American Government (a marathon course on Tuesday nights. The teacher doesn't take attendance...needless to say, I've already missed two classes...in the first month...yes, I know that's half...don't judge me, I haven't missed anything for a grade.), Multivariable Calculus (My teacher is this crazy Romanian who speaks fairly quickly, writes illegibly, and assigns a fair amount of homework. He also likes to put question ON THE TEST which make you think outside the box. sigh. If I'm getting a grade, I would really like to be graded on something you've actually taught me, and not on something I'm supposed to figure out on the spot. I'm not good at extemporaneous thinking. I really need time and quiet to scrute the nature of the universe.), and American History (online, thank goodness. Another "free time" filler, but the teacher isn't too demanding, so I'm cool with that. Plus, he has us download templates and answer short-answer question as we're going through the lessons. This might sound annoying at first, but it's so much better than the utter boredom my previous online classes inspired. It really helps with focus. So...good thinking Mr. Watson!). So...yeah now you know what I'm doing 16 hours or so out of any day.
In other news, I have a new computer. It kicks ass. And, I've set up my old computer downstairs and added it to my network. Making me feel very techno-savvy, even though I'm sure there are twelve years old with better set-ups. But now, if I have people over, I can play my MP3's in the living room! Well, as soon as I get speakers. sigh. Also, I've set up my Word with voice recognition. I haven't actually USED it for anything useful yet, but I've played with it. Oddly, it understands big words just fine, but has trouble with short words...you know like the ones you use constantly in every sentence. It also doesn't do punctuation...at least as far as I have discovered yet. I also set up the language feature of windows to let me type in JAPANESE! Isn't that the coolest? Again, haven't used it yet...but it's good to know that if some teenage school girl from Japan desperately needed me to send a letter home to her old grandmother who spoke no english...I could help. Hey, it could happen.
Crap. Now it's 3am. Well, they can force me to go to class every morning, but they can't make me perky! grumble. Good night everybody.
In other news, I have a new computer. It kicks ass. And, I've set up my old computer downstairs and added it to my network. Making me feel very techno-savvy, even though I'm sure there are twelve years old with better set-ups. But now, if I have people over, I can play my MP3's in the living room! Well, as soon as I get speakers. sigh. Also, I've set up my Word with voice recognition. I haven't actually USED it for anything useful yet, but I've played with it. Oddly, it understands big words just fine, but has trouble with short words...you know like the ones you use constantly in every sentence. It also doesn't do punctuation...at least as far as I have discovered yet. I also set up the language feature of windows to let me type in JAPANESE! Isn't that the coolest? Again, haven't used it yet...but it's good to know that if some teenage school girl from Japan desperately needed me to send a letter home to her old grandmother who spoke no english...I could help. Hey, it could happen.
Crap. Now it's 3am. Well, they can force me to go to class every morning, but they can't make me perky! grumble. Good night everybody.
That sucks. You're crazy Josh. But hey, at least your Japanese class isn't at 7am. I did that for a year once, it was not pretty...although oddly enough at 7am I seemed to understand Italian just fine. It was later in the evening when I was supposed to be doing homework that it made no sense at all. Go figure. :D
By KieraAnne, at September 27, 2006 8:10 AM
Hell, I'm worn out just reading this.
By Veronica, at September 27, 2006 9:16 AM
Kiera speaks Italian?!?
By Margie the Pickle Princess, at September 27, 2006 1:43 PM
No, no I don't. I took a year of it my freshman year in college (6-7 years ago) at 7am...the earliness as well as the fact that I was constantly switching over into french and not noticing contributed to my forgetting nearly everything I learned in that class. I can say "bongiorno" and I know that they call feminine guys "finocchio" and I can say "Patricio venuto fretta" (Patrick come here quickly). That's about it. ;)
By KieraAnne, at September 28, 2006 12:49 PM
You let me down, Kiera. For a second there I thought you were tons sexier than you actually are.
By Margie the Pickle Princess, at September 29, 2006 10:15 AM
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