Inertial Apathy

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Dear Veronica

I don't know if you'll ever read this, or care...

I had a whole lot I was going to say, but what's the point?

I'm done. Don't put me on your itinerary when you visit Texas again.


  • I went and read the whole line of stuff, and can I just say, damn, Veronica's such a fucking bitch! I thought her first response was unnecessarily rude until I read her last response and realized, "OH! She's not mad because of what Josh said! She's mad because she feels inferior to him! Now it all makes sense!" I don't comment on Veronica's blog anymore because she is a militant illogical feminist who surrounds herself with the same. They are complete hypocrites who feel like they can say anything they want but if you say anything that they disagree with they jump all over it and rip you to shreds, twisting meanings and ignoring the spirit of one's purpose in commenting. Veronica and her little cronies could have told you that they thought you were wrong without being so rude. I thought there was always room for discussion, but apparently only when you're preaching to the choir. Heaven forbid any non-believers try to join in!

    By Blogger Margie the Pickle Princess, at April 05, 2007 2:13 PM  

  • Thank you. She twists words and uses loaded meaning so well, I can't even comment without sounding petty. Pretty frustrating.

    If anyone else would like to see what blatant insults to use to make someone (who cherishes friendship as more important that relationships) call it quits on a decade long friendship; check it out here.

    By Blogger Joshie, at April 06, 2007 12:47 AM  

  • Wow. I read the whole thing and maybe I'm wrong, but it sounded to me like you were agreeing with them in that those "man" qualities didn't necessarily go hand in hand with being male (ie having a penis). I thought your contribution of the idea of the male stereotype was very apt given the discussion at hand, especially given the fact that you're gay. That could have opened up a whole different aspect to the discussion. Is the male steretype exclusive to hetero males? To "western" males? Is a man of their description still considered a man if he is a part of a "primitive" tribe in New Guinea? I know there are some societies in which the traditional role of male provider/female caretaker are reversed. Are these people "real" men? But no, instead she went way off tangent. I'm sorry some people are stupid. I posted most of this on her blog. I hope that's okay.

    By Blogger KieraAnne, at April 06, 2007 10:38 AM  

  • Thanks! My ego isn't fragile, but it is nice to be validated sometimes. Veronica always takes things I say in the worst possible light. For example, you know me, just as she does, and so know that I really talk that way in real life; but when Veronica reads it, I'm "intimidating" people with my vocabulary (which I think is kind of insulting for her to say about her readers, but whatever). So, really I could only conclude that she just hates me. And I don't want to be friends with someone who hates me...thus, the ending of the friendship.

    And feel free to post whatever you'd like on her site; she and I are no longer affiliated in any way.

    By Blogger Joshie, at April 06, 2007 10:59 AM  

  • Hi Josh

    I tried leaving a comment yesterday, but maybe I forgot to his "submit".

    But anyway, I was just thinking of that day before the movers were going to come for our stuff and we were trying to unhook the washer and drier and couldn't. But then you went back there and got them unhooked in about 2 seconds. That was pretty cool. Not to mention the fact that you went out in the middle of the night to bring us tools and tape and stuff. And that is just one example.

    It's just funny to me that on Veronica's blog, they were all talking about wanting a strong, reliable man, and when one appears in the comment section (one who Veronica knows irl) they attack him.

    By Blogger Shemsi, at April 07, 2007 7:14 AM  

  • Wow. Thanks. You know, just this morning I was feeling kind of bitter (waking up before 8am sometimes has that effect on me) and I was thinking how no one ever remembers the things I do for them, they only remember when I mess up. After reading your comment, I realize it's just not true, and I'm just wallowing. I really do feel a lot better now. Thanks.

    By Blogger Joshie, at April 07, 2007 5:33 PM  

  • My outsider's naive impression is as follows:

    Your fight with Veronica isn't really a fight with Veronica... It's internet-Josh's fight with internet-Veronica.

    That sounds a little bit clever, but I don't really know what it means. If it really means anything, I think I've got it down to two possibilities:

    1) Either the way Veronica behaves on her blog and the way she behaves irl are different, or the way you behave commenting on a blog and the way you behave irl are different, or (most likely) both. This blog fight doesn't really mean anything, and the next time you see each other, if that ever happens, things will be essentially the same as the last time you saw each other.

    2) You and V haven't really been friends in a long-ass time, and the fact that e-Josh and e-Ronnie are fighting doesn't really mean anything, since those two people don't really exist anyway. You are two strangers with incompatible alter-egos.

    Both are probably bullshit, and I hope so, since the guy posting is e-Andy hoping to remain friends with e-Josh, and their friendship is meaningless if either of the two possibilities above has truth. I just know that trying to stay friends online sucks.

    Also: Trying to stay friends while approaching thirty sucks, but it's worth it, cause I don't see anyone over thirty making any new friends...

    By Blogger Andy, at April 09, 2007 7:19 PM  

  • Good call, Josh.

    Life's too short.

    By Blogger Matt G, at April 23, 2007 1:36 AM  

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