Inertial Apathy

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Hurray for Filler!

Uh...everyone else is doing it!'s a quiz about...ME!

Do you snore?
Reports vary.

Are you a lover or a fighter?
Neither. I don't believe in become emotionally involved with my test subjects...uh...I mean other people.

What's you worst fear?
Hmmm. I'm not really big on the fear thing. I seem to be in almost a perpetual state of laid-back nervousness that prevents actual fear. So...people jumping out and saying "BOO!"

As a kid, were you a Lego maniac?
I played with rocks and sticks. Sad, but true. And even sadder...I think we actually HAD legos...and I chose those damn rocks.

What do you think of reality TV?
Oxymoronic? With a stress on "moronic".

Do you chew on your straws?
No. Then don't work right anymore, and my need for Dr. Pepper far exceeds my oral fixation.

Were you a cute baby?
I don't remember. I think people have said that I was...but, people tend to think all babies are cute.

Is the single life for you?
Well...sort of. I don't really want a "life partner" if that's what you mean; however, I wouldn't mind a live-in servant. Preferably someone hot.

What color is your keyboard?

Do you sing in the shower?
Every chance I get, but usually in a low voice to get the most out of the acoustics.

Have you ever bungee jumped?
No, I don't understand the entertainment value of pure falling. It's so brief...roller coasters are so much better.

Any secret talents?
Don't tell anyone...but I can get really annoying sometimes. Shhh! It's a secret.

What is your ideal vacation spot?
A luxury space station.

Can you swim?
I can do all kinds of things in the water. heh heh

Have you seen the movie Donnie Darko?
Yes. When I go to blockbuster, it's usually easier to point out the movies I HAVEN'T seen.

Do you give a damn about the ozone?
Yes. I really wish people would stop talking about it.

How many licks does it take to get the center of a Tootsie Pop?
You know...I actually counted once. Took measure licks and everything, and now...I don't remember. All of that research time, wasted! That's my problem, scientific mind, but completely impatient with things like recording data.

Can you sing the alphabet backwards?
Slowly. Dude, I have to ask for reminders during the alphabet game.

Do you prefer electric or manual pencil sharpeners?
Why would you sharpen a pencil? Just push on the eraser and more graphite comes out!

What's your stand on hunting?
I try not to, I'd probably break it.

Is marriage in your future?
Probably not, since I live in Texas.

Do you like your handwriting?
Not really. It's doesn't drive me into a fury or anything, but it could be cooler.

What are you allergic to?

When was the last time you said "I love you"?
Last night, before I went to bed, to my computer.

Do you cry at weddings?
No, "Bored to tears" is just a euphemism.

How do you like your eggs?
I'm not a big egg fan. But, I do like those little breakfast sandwiches with egg cheese and sausage.

Are blondes dumb?
I found that most people are dumb.

Where does the other sock end up?
You lost it! Now stop complaining and try to keep better track of your damned socks!

What time is it?
11:53 Am

Do you have a nickname?
No. Though I've always secretly hoped that someone would give me one. You know, since you can't nickname yourself. Unfortunately, I kind of boring. And boring people don't get nicknames. could call me..."Ace"?

Is McDonalds disgusting?
I go there once a month whether I need it or not!

When was the last time you were in a car?
Hmmm...30 minutes ago? That's a guess, I didn't really check the time.

Do you prefer baths or showers?
Showers. I like complete temperature control.

Is Santa Claus real?
As I love telling small children....No. He's a LIE! Your PARENTS are LYING to you! All of the adults are LYING to you! TELEVISION is LYING to you! EVERYONE LIES!!! ...stay in school.

Do you like to have your neck kissed?
Eh. I suppose. If someone could do it without violating my personal space.

Are you afraid of the dark?
Again. Not so into the fear thing.

What are you addicted to?
DP. Cigs. Food. Air. that order.

Crunchy or creamy peanut butter
As long as it has a banana with it, I'm good.

Can you crack your neck?
Yes. At will.

Have you ever ridden in an ambulance?
No. I actually once had to sign a waiver after a car accident when I was a teen. The police were very upset that I didn't want to get into their shiny truck. So, I called my parents...and they took me to the hospital. Much to my chagrin.

Is drug free the way to be?
I don't do drugs, but I think drugs should be legalized. All drugs. It's not a very popular opinion.

Are you a heavy sleeper?
Not at all.

What color are your eyes?

Do you like your life?
What's NOT to like? Then again...what's to like? Oh, crap! I'm caught in an ambivalence loop!

Are you psychic?
I knew you were going to ask that. Well, mainly because I've already read this quiz on Margie's site.

Have you read Catcher in the Rye?

Do you play any instruments?
Heh heh. Oh, you mean musical instruments. Hmmm....I can't think of anything. Well, I did spend seven years learning the clarinet. I'm not sure if I "play" it still.

Have you ever stolen money?
So you're on to me! You'll never take me alive!

Can you snowboard?
Sure, sure. Where's the controller?

Do you like camping?
Endless years of scouting could never instill an appreciation for the outdoors in me. Now that I'm an adult....I never have to go again! can't make me.

Do you snort when you laugh?

Do you believe in magic?
I'm not sure what you mean. I'm reasonably certain of science. That's just like magic.

Are dogs a man's best friend?
Depends on the dog and the man.

Do you believe in divorce?
I don't not believe in divorce. You're not going to riot with your zealous religious cult and bludgeon me with a crucifix now, are you?

Can you do the moonwalk?
I've been begging since I was seven for someone to let me go to the moon and find out!

Do you make a lot of mistakes?
Three, so far. Unless typos count. Then it's twenty-five. But, I'm only twenty-seven!

Is it cold outside today?
It's drizzly. So it feels coldish, but then I start sweating from the humidity. Balmy!

What was the last thing you ate?
Pistacio Almon ice cream last night. But, I was just going to make myself some tuna before I started the never-ending quiz.

Do you wear nail polish?
Usually not for more than a few minutes.

How many people do you like right now? you mean like or LIKE?

What's the most annoying TV commercial?
I'm usually not so bothered by commercials as by their frequency.

Do you shop at American Eagle?

Favorite song at the moment?
The Killers, All These Things That I've Done. Of course, I AM quite fond of Don't Fear the Reaper.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

For Sale: One Life. Hardly used.

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. [Take a shot]. Actually, I'm really not. I've been busy, as faithful readers will have inferred from my previous post. But, now I find myself at a crossroads, and I want YOU, faithful reader to get in on the life decision action! So, without further's the exposition:

Fed up with never having any free time, I've been sort of on edge recently. So, I decided to quit working at CarQuest. I figured that I could always try to get more grading assignments if I needed more money, and I would figure out what do to during the winter and summer breaks when they came up. So, I turned in my two weeks notice (which got me the weekend off "to think about it"...heh heh, suckers). But, when I got back to work on Monday, my boss had a counter-proposal (as if my quitting were negotiable...well, I guess it is now that I think about it. Crap, now I'm the sucker.) He asked if I could stay on and just work on Saturdays (10 hours starting at 8 f***in' AM). So, now, I have to decide on giving CarQuest the boot, or sacrificing my Saturday's for job stability. And, cause you all know I love lists, here are some Pro's and Con's for keeping my job. (Just skip this part if you really don't can still vote at the end. I don't mind "pristine" opinions. ...I never said uninformed, I said PRISTINE!)

-If I'm still employed at CarQuest, I can always just request more hours over the breaks and don't have to worry about find a new job every six months. (I asked this one of my boss blatantly, since it's a biggie)
-Although reduced, I'll still have benefits like health and dental. Not great benefits, but still...
-Even working only 10 hours a week, I'll be pulling in $40 less than my rent. Meaning, that even if something happens at school, and I don't get any grading for a whole month, I will still have SOMETHING with which to pay my bills.
-I made it quite clear to my boss that I would be doing homework during my downtime at work, and he said that would be fine. So, while working for CarQuest during the long, boring, and "nothing-to-do" hours of Saturday....I could be grading papers. Muahahahah, I'll be drawing two paychecks from one period of time. I hope that's not illegal or anything.
-I found out that if I were to quit, the other drivers were threatening to also quit (not because of some sort of group solidarity or anything, but just because they don't want to work all of the overtime my absence will create. ie Saturdays). And our store isn't allowed to hire any new drivers for various reasons. So, by staying on, I'm NOT screwing over the people with whom I work and like (for the most part).
-Probably other things which I can't think of right now, but are pertinent.

-I don't want to wake up early on Saturdays.
-I don't want to work for 10 hours on Saturdays.
-Did I mention that I don't want to wake up early on Saturdays?
-I'm...uh...busy....and stuff. And...sleeping late on Saturdays will help with that.
-My job pays crap. My time might be better spent elsewhere.
-Insert a somewhat witty remark about "waking up on Saturdays" here.

So, there you have it folks. Lazy vs Logic. Who will win? Only YOU can decide. Let your voice be heard! Or not. I could always just flip a coin. Nah, I've already written the whole damned post. You vote! Heck, vote twice, I'm easy.