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For those who are following the soap opera that is my life (well, a british soap opera anyway...if only I could get a nice saucy telemundo life. sigh) Here is some closure to the LAST know, the one that no one read.
1) Screw Physics. I'll just take it next semester from a better teacher. Then, thanks to a forgiving grading system, the new grade will replace this dismal failure. So, I'm out 400 bucks for a bad semester. If that's the worst thing that happens to me in life, then I'm set. This seemingly simple realization (that I was essentially selling my sanity for 400 bucks) has really made me feel better. And, I can keep my 4.0 (retroactively after getting an A in the class next semester). hee hee, suckers.
2) So, my BFF came over this weekend and we had fun. So, I guess she's trying. :) Perhaps I'm not completely obsolete yet.
3) Still fat. Still hungry (though I totally pigged out this weekend...shhh, don't tell anyone). No resolution here. Sorry, this isn't the wonderful world of Disney.
4) Now that I'm half-assing Physics, my work load doesn't seem nearly as big. Now, don't get me wrong, I still need a week off during which I can sit and stare at the wall for six hours a day, but I SUPPOSE I can wait to do that this summer. We'll see.
5) The guy has now officially stopped writing me. And no one else has written in a week. And, all I can say is Thank the Gods. I didn't realize how much I was stressing over stupid internet communication until it was gone. Dude, I so don't need to talk to strangers. I can barely handle keep my friends entertained. And I don't like this whole disembodied text bit. If I'm going to meet someone, I need context clues...body language, facial expressions, gesticulation, and all of that jazz. I'm just not smart enough to fill in all of those blanks from a text block.
So, there you have it. All wrapped up in a nice little package. Well, except for the fat thing...but you need to leave some things open for the sequel. Muahahahahahhah.
1) Screw Physics. I'll just take it next semester from a better teacher. Then, thanks to a forgiving grading system, the new grade will replace this dismal failure. So, I'm out 400 bucks for a bad semester. If that's the worst thing that happens to me in life, then I'm set. This seemingly simple realization (that I was essentially selling my sanity for 400 bucks) has really made me feel better. And, I can keep my 4.0 (retroactively after getting an A in the class next semester). hee hee, suckers.
2) So, my BFF came over this weekend and we had fun. So, I guess she's trying. :) Perhaps I'm not completely obsolete yet.
3) Still fat. Still hungry (though I totally pigged out this weekend...shhh, don't tell anyone). No resolution here. Sorry, this isn't the wonderful world of Disney.
4) Now that I'm half-assing Physics, my work load doesn't seem nearly as big. Now, don't get me wrong, I still need a week off during which I can sit and stare at the wall for six hours a day, but I SUPPOSE I can wait to do that this summer. We'll see.
5) The guy has now officially stopped writing me. And no one else has written in a week. And, all I can say is Thank the Gods. I didn't realize how much I was stressing over stupid internet communication until it was gone. Dude, I so don't need to talk to strangers. I can barely handle keep my friends entertained. And I don't like this whole disembodied text bit. If I'm going to meet someone, I need context clues...body language, facial expressions, gesticulation, and all of that jazz. I'm just not smart enough to fill in all of those blanks from a text block.
So, there you have it. All wrapped up in a nice little package. Well, except for the fat thing...but you need to leave some things open for the sequel. Muahahahahahhah.