Inertial Apathy

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Were-apples indicted for "juicing"!

Sorry, I was trying to think of a clever headline, and that's the only thing that popped into my head. Yes, I know I'm odd.

Uh...I'm still alive. I haven't yet taken over the world as of this morning. And I still consider forty hours a week of work be inhumane. Oh, and I've taken up "recreational" bicycling.

Stranger in a Strange Land, Robert Heinlein....again
My Japanese Textbook in preparation for my third semester

Wonderfalls on DVD (two eps left)
Roswell Season One
And a bunch of movies from Blockbuster...none of which rate a name drop yet

There, you may consider yourselves fully updated.

PS: If you enjoyed this post, you love and