Inertial Apathy

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!

An old friend has turned on me. I've always known he was fickle, but this time it's ridiculous. Oh, friend Sleep...why hast thou forsaken me?!? So, Saturday, I had to wake up early (you know, because I have work), and I think that was the day I pissed Sleep off. I got home, and took a six hour nap. At the time I thought nothing of it, but now...I realize the diabolical nature of the plan. Saturday night...I couldn't sleep. Nothing. This is not a problem I've had in the recent past. Not getting sleep, yes. Not being ABLE to sleep...not so much. So, I finally achieve slumber nirvana around 7am. And, then, I awake at noon. NOON! ON A SUNDAY! The only day I haven't given away all of my time, and I can't sleep the day away. It was the saddest thing ever. So, I go through my Sunday slightly dazed; feeling a little hurt and betrayed. And, then tonight (Sunday evening/Monday morning), again with the not sleeping. I lie down, turn off the lights, and then begin to wonder whether my new myspace profile is good enough for the masses (until I remember that the people I know in real life won't care, and everyone else is still imaginary). So, I let it drop. Then, I start to think about my various homework assignments (which I completed in a timely fashion). So, I let that drop. Then I start to worry that if I don't go to sleep soon, I'll be really tired tomorrow. Oh, Sleep, THAT is the worst mindfuck of them all! A low blow, employing paradox for such a vulgar, vengeful task. If this game persists, I'll have to start getting cheap too. I'll buy a copy of The Thin Red Line. I have yet to watch it all the way through and not fall asleep. Or, I'll re-read Ethan Frome!, I can't believe how far I've gone. Nothing deserves Ethan Frome. Heck, I'm an adult, and Sleep is an eternal anthropomorphized force...I'm sure we can work out our differences. Truce! And...goodnight.


  • Come on dude, it was only 10:39 when you posted this! Wait until like 4:30 in the morning to post about how sleep has abandoned you!

    By Blogger Margie the Pickle Princess, at February 27, 2006 12:39 AM  

  • If only it had been 10:39. But, no. Your technology has failed you and provided you with LIES! It was closer to 1am. I know, it's not that late, but I had to wake up at 7am. And, I didn't actually get to sleep until around 2. So, now...I am tired. I hate self-fulfilling prophecies.

    By Blogger Joshie, at February 27, 2006 8:06 AM  

  • Hmmm...after some quick observations, it must have been 12:39 exactly. As, the times on the posts seem to be two hours behind. Thank you scientific method!

    By Blogger Joshie, at February 27, 2006 8:08 AM  

  • Wow! You posted at 12:39, and I commented at 2:39! Coincidence? I think not!

    By Blogger Margie the Pickle Princess, at February 27, 2006 10:18 AM  

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