Inertial Apathy

Monday, February 06, 2006

Free time is for suckers

So, I haven't posted recently because everything I can think of sounds a lot like whining. Negativity doesn't really go with the whole apathy motif. So, here is a completely (for the most part) complain-free post. This semester I am taking Calculus 2 (8-9am MWF), Physics: Classical Mechanics (9-10am MWF, Recitation: 3pm-4pm W, Lab: 5pm-8pm...yes that's seven hours for one class, and no I don't get credit for most of it, and yes, I don't think it's very fair either), Music Appreciation (10-11am MWF, online and whenever the hell my sadistic teacher feels like piling on outside of classes assignments), College Writing (6:30pm-9:20pm M, 6:30pm-infinity subjective time), and my Institute Class: The Pearl of Great Price (11am-12pm, uh no commentary, it's actually quite relaxing). Of course, this does compromise my work schedule somewhat (10am-6pm TTh, 11:30am-6pm MF, and 8am-2pm Sat, with a sadly misleading Wed. off). And, this schedule doesn't encompass the 8-10 hours of homeword I have each week...which I...uh...don't mind doing...that much. So, since my brain is now active for [error]% of the week, I've found that my already meager imagination has hit an all time bottom. It's odd how much you use your imagination on a daily basis. No, I'm not talking about Veronica's novel, I'm more thinking of using words in everyday conversation. Where do you think those words come from? That's right, your lush imagination (well, maybe the scrubland next to the lush part). And, when that imagination is gone...doing things like answering suddenly difficult questions like "How are you this morning" becomes more problematic. uh...but that's no excuse to neglect my blog! So...uh...stay in school kids! And...uh...a mind is a terrible thing to waste! And [enter your slogan here]!

PS As you are all queueing up to comment, tell the world what your slogan is! (I learned it by watching Cainnum. uh..that's not my slogan...that's were I learned tricks from the comment-whore. Not that it's a bad slogan. But, I would never make a slogan around someone who wants to link a girl in Amsterdam before he linked his good friend. Not that I even want a link. I mean, who even really clicks on link...besides everyone who uses the internet. So...yeah...I don't need your link. I've got lots of friends. I mean, who even said that having lots of links to your website made you popular? I didn't. uh...oh, is this thing still on? beep)

PPS Oh yeah, for the almost complain-free experience that I promised, go back and erase everything that was in parenthesis from your memory. Wow, what did people do before brain wipes were invented? Am I right, people? Aw, just wipe the whole thing and replace it with a memory of you eating a cookie or something.


  • That post was funny! My favorite part was [error]%. And classical mechanics? Are you studying Da Vinci's machines? The early artisian well? The rudimentary lathe?

    My slogan is: "Variety is the spice of life." Seriously. I say it all the damn time. I actually can remember saying it three times in the last month, and that's quite alot as far as I'm concerned. Of course, if you're going by sheer numbers my slogan is actually "FUCKING HELL!"

    mmm. . .cookie.

    By Blogger Margie the Pickle Princess, at February 06, 2006 9:48 PM  

  • "Slogans:You can't choose just one." Cop out? Thank you! Also, if i'm ignoring what was said in a parenthetical capacity, do I still need the mind wipe? Cuz really, I have trouble remembering things anyway. Plus, cookies are great.

    By Blogger Dave, at February 06, 2006 10:13 PM  

  • "Slogans:You can't choose just one!" Cop out? Why, THANK you! I try! Also, if i'm ignoring what was said in a parenthetical capacity, does that mean I still have to mindwipe myself? And if I do, is the mindwipe in the cookie? Cuz if the matrix, and this blog, have taught me anything, it's that mindwipe tastes like fresh baked chocolate chip cookies. Taste the forgetting!

    By Blogger Dave, at February 06, 2006 10:15 PM  

  • Maybe the mind wipes are like the ones on MIB and you don't even get the cookie part. That would suck. Of course, Dave wouldn't know because of the mind wipe.

    By Blogger Margie the Pickle Princess, at February 07, 2006 10:09 AM  

  • 1. When did Josh remember that he even has a blog?

    2. When did Dave join the ranks of Comedy Genius?

    Now where are my damn cookies?

    By Blogger Shemsi, at February 07, 2006 5:01 PM  

  • damn. i thought i had you linked. man now you hate me too. *sigh* if i ever get it taken care of you, i'll put you at the top of the link list. and i think you already know my slogan. "What am I, a doctor?"
    also, somebody for the love god get that woman some cookies.

    By Blogger cainnum, at February 08, 2006 8:55 AM  

  • Man. First Dave, then Shemsi, now Cainnum. I feel so inadequate comedy-wise.

    By Blogger Margie the Pickle Princess, at February 08, 2006 10:26 AM  

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